Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Tag

The meaning of the Do Re Mi scale

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do…This scale has been familiar to school kids and to fans of Sound of Music where it was used to introduce singing to the Von Trapp children.

But where did it come from?  It came from the Gregorian Chants the monks of Holy Orders would sing in their monasteries in Latin!

Music scientists of the esoteric have noted that sound frequencies vibrate at what are called measures of Hertz and have spiritual effects when sounded into our 3D existence.

They say when you sound the Do or in Latin ‘UT’…meaning “So that” at 396 Hertz the frequency will resonate grief into joy and guilt into forgiveness.

‘RE’ at 417 Hertz clears negativity and removes subconscious blockages.   The Latin phrase used by the chanters was “Queant laxis Resonare fibris”…meaning, ” …your servants may resound with loosened voices the wonders of your deeds.”

‘MI’ at 528 Hertz stimulates love, restores equilibrium, and repairs DNA.  From Mira gestorum.

‘FA’ at 639 Hertz strengthens relationships, family and community unity.  From Famuli tuorum.

‘SOL’ at 741 Hertz physically cleanses the body from all types of toxins.  From Solve polluti.

‘LA’ at 852 Hertz awakens intuition and helps you return to spiritual balance..  From Labii reatum.

‘TI’ is at ______ Hertz  and is asking for assistance and blessing from the ascended Apostle of our Lord Jesus…Saint John, or Sancti Ionnes.

Thus The monks went up the scale in their chant saying,  ” So that your servants may resound with loosened voices the wonders of your deeds, gestation seen, family together…clean the polluting guilt from our sin stained lips , Oh, Saint John!

My source did not give the Hertz for TI but logically it should be around 963???

Taking Inventory of Beliefs

In Wayne Dyer’s book, Wisdom of the Ages, I found a simple instruction. It was one small paragraph. I had thought to begin where I left off reading. It said, “The menu can never be the meal. These are appetizers on my menu. I suggest you put this wisdom to work.” I put pen to paper and began making a list after his suggestions.
This is what I wrote:
Inventory of my beliefs about:
1.RELIGION= a list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ employed to govern behavior of children. (Heaven is of One mind so duality concepts of good and bad are not real.)
2. Capital Punishment = the threat of death as a determent. So long as people believe death is real, that disembodiment ends life, it could deter. But I suppose the Ego is terrified when I threaten to lop off its head. Here is a scenario Cobra speaks of: The soul that is so defiled that it is past hope of healing has an opportunity to have its energy reorganized by dissolution in the Central Sun. ( As no Source Energy can ever be lost.)
3. Minority Rights = Love has no Exceptions. So says A Course in Miracles. All are equal brothers so equal with our brother Christ. We elected our mission and purpose before we came onto Earth and chose our parents. Many times we chose to be in the minority. The poor experiencing jealousy of the rich. Next time the roles reverse! Perhaps we are the one marching for minority rights and our purpose is to spark awareness in others.
4. REINCARNATION = Here in duality we have the choice to experience disconnection from Source in myriad physical forms. Over and over we are told we must balance Karma and so we return. But Jesus defeated all dissuading lies and got to where only God’s voice was agreed to. Final voicing forgiveness broke his Karmic wheel…and so it can be for all God’s prodigals.
Meanwhile it is one life experience after another unto the final knowing.
5. Young people/ old people = I think of peas in a pod ripening. Finally the elderly peas become seeds to plant for a fresh crop. But what of prodigies or a child with an old soul? So age is never a factor to determine wisdom.
6. Non- traditional medicine = eclectic methods for our eclectic DNA! Many of these methods would have become traditional and mainstream if not for greedy Pharma not letting us know about them.
7. What happens at death = Consciousness continues its choices if free to do so.
8. Your Cultural biases = WASP. This is the comfort zone I am accustomed to. However I must value all the exposure I’ve had to other cultures and their perspectives. I may call their different color palate smell and language sounds ‘foreign’. I may not be used to another culture, but learning to step back and put away judgment tends to yield less of a shock.
9. Now I have preferences: Decent body covering from distractions.//
male/ female mutual honor and respect.// Choice not tyranny// negotiate not war// no private thoughts// no people pleasing/ wisdom schools teach to reflect, watch, and be aware.//align with Christus vibration. Mind training to excellence of thought.
10. The Ability to Perform Miracles = Bring to Heaven’s normal state. The Christus Mind is 100% aligned. and denies all other unaligned vibrations! Then we see 100% alignment become manifest reality in the construct.

A Sermon Calling for a Good Response…the Best!

I took sermon notes and I’m copying them here. visualize we have an insurmountable obstacle before us. Attack is approaching from behind! Though the Red Sea opens and we see a way to advance, our enslavers still pursue! Until..until…until our call for deliverance is seen to have been answered in a plan laid ou long before, but carried out in a moment.
A compulsive ego will lay out many ways…better ways, even an only way to gullible and frantic minds. Holy Spirit offers a Best Way.
THERe has been put together a video meant to drive compulsives bonkers. It shows duct tape solutions, coloring outside of lines, a bag being opened from theb ottom! OF the ways to get to Seattle one way suggested was to walk. You are left telling yourself, “Sure, but, there is probably a better way.”
The preacher quoted Hebrews 11 where Enoch was selected to be taken because he chose the Best way…Believing that God exists and that He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
A better testimony, and legacy was chosen by Abel whose best and first fatling offering was esteemed better than Cain’s…”some produce.” We also can be faithful despite our forefathers’ failures. Find out the Child of a King that you are, render no excuses, resist peer influence. You only have an audience of ONE!
When someone gave you a gift with your desires and needs in mind, was it not the more appreciated? You can tell the ones just grabbed off a gas station shelf!
When I give God my first and best He says I am storing up treasures in Heaven! If Holy Spirit says give, and you hear it loud and clear, why not do what is right? Even if it makes someone mad…even if it gets you flogged like the desciples.
Martha was out to be seen as the volunteer of the year while Mary idled her work time sitting at Jesus’ feet. One was good said the ego. One was the only best and needful place… said Jesus.
what ambition is worthy? Solving worries? A tem pursuit of a trophy and fame? Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? A great age and honorable sons? Methusela was one, but even though Enoch attained the age of 365 he was honored by God who transitioned him to an undying state.
What is worship but the humble acceptance of His Love. It is vanity to think God could be added to or needs our praise! Who is your God? A harsh taskmaster or the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him for they are convinced they have a worthy pursuit and they will attain!
Paul said that for the sake of attaining Christ he had forsaken all. What he would attain was to know Him and the Power of His Resurrection!
We seek not just a ‘good’ response but a better one…the best!

Are We just Script Performers?

Scientists call Programmable Life Forms…PLFs…those units that can be instructed to perform by suggestions or commands. (Are you thinking automatons? Nanites? Cloned Gray aliens sent to collect data? A Roomba?
But have you looked at the person in the mirror? have you noticed how there have been myriad attempts to sway your choices? How about those ‘Vote for Me’ ads that smear the other fellow?
Then there are the ‘Trust Me’ ads flowing to bombard your senses from the FDA to the FBI and Main Stream Media. Big Pharma wants your pocketbook siphoned by ‘Take this Pill forever’.
Magazines keep coming even after you cancel them touting ‘Beauty’ and ‘Fashion’. Car ads sell sex. Promos program us with desires to live like the Rich and Famous. Even religions advertize that their ‘God’ is better than the other fellow’s.
But are we genetic automatons? Sometimes we act like it.
Our ‘star-matter’ organized by codes in our two-strand DNA give us physical characteristics. But does it give us our curiosity? Our drive to achieve? Our compassion for others? Our heroic self-sacrifice?
If our higher self-consciousness/ soul chose to express and live in these limited bodies of only five senses, perhaps they are also limited in defenses! Perhaps some sabotage is capable of co- opting our free-will and our stated functioning we had ‘pre-chosen’ as our purpose. We may be air-wave bombarded to keep us in check with brain warping/ thwarting techniques! (Cell phone towers…Microwave towers etc.)
If we are supposed to use our pineal glands to access our higher purpose and identity, it would serve our would-be slave masters to block it’s functioning, calcify it and deaden its sensitivity.
If adding more strands to our DNA will improve higher functioning and free-will choice, If we can lengthen our life with longer telomeres, then enslavers must tinker and switch off our access.
My point is, what scripts have we been handed to play out on this limited gameboard? Isa ll this holodeck illusion for our benefit or are we just programmed life forms for some ET entertainment, …or energy food? Are we so asleep we keep repeating traumas with no respite?
If we call out for salvation, who will hear? How will we be answered? Can we begin writing our own scripts?

When Do I Smile?

Not just the performance face, but from realizing I am being blessed?
* When I awake and realize the gift of a new day, :”His mercies are new every morning.”
* When I see a child awaken with an ‘aha’ of a new understanding.
* When I receive a gift from a thoughtful giver, for the knowledge I was not only in their mind, but in their heart.
* When I go out in nature and let the wonder of its simple being vibrate abundant life to me.
* When my confused mind picks up a word “WORD” and the enlightened personal message eases my soul.
* When my thoughtful gift is received with welcome appreciation.
* When the barking dog comes to sniff my hand and has a wagging tail.
* When I’m handed my grand-baby to hold for the first time, and I smell its new-baby smell.
* When the teacher looks at my efforts and pronounces it a ‘masterpiece’.
* When I perform, and after, there is an applause.
* When, while boating, I touch the water, feel the substance, temperature, texture and see it sparkle.
* When I, too, understand the lesson taught by the teacher with the spinning flower.
* When I solve a crossword puzzle. (Or untangle a box of tangled cords.)
* When someone comments on my blog that it , “Made their day.”

BE Serene Now

An unhealed mind is agitated. It is stressed. You can envision weights and chains. When it goes forth to teach others ‘how to be’ it invariably adds to their stress.
But there is a PLAN. Yes, Father is ‘Starter’, but Mother directs our growth. Father is ‘Over-arching Love’. Mother expresses that ‘Love’ in myriad designs. (As Holy Spirit once told me you never have ‘Style’ without substance…Love without expression! Or Expression without Love.) What a great example of Divine partnership!
Both want their children to thrive. (I suggest watching the free movie ‘Thrive’ on You-tube as a start to awakening). We do not stay in fourth grade forever. That’s why they make those desks so small! There is always a next step and a letting go to move on.
The ‘Serenity Prayer’ says to face the disturbing thought or situation and decide to change what can be changed and accept what cannot be changed. The prayer is to be shown the difference. I would add, “And forgive and drop all assumptions.”
The theraputic technique of tapping meridian points of the head, face and body while accepting personal feelings about a person or situation is called EFT. (Check out the EFT videos on You-tube and follow along for anxiety or fear,depression, even overweight.)
Are you noticing a tendency to get ensnared in ‘drama’? Here’s a clue that you are trapped in ‘drama’ by retaliating when someone pokes you, finds fault, denigrates your integrity and smears your egoic identity as less than pristine. When you ‘defend’ with ‘righteous’ indignation, you waste your time and make the situation worse. You have just made an unspoken agreement that there is something to defend. You have stepped into their ‘drama’.
Another way we attempt to deal with our fears instead of handing them to Holy Spirit to forgive and heal…is to run and hide. To try to pretend we aren’t really afraid. This is called “Disassociation”. In the reptilian brain, this is the flight response.
We can ascend to the next higher grade (and the vibes get quicker, too), when we unlearn the limiting untruths and postulated theories of our dim-witted ancestors. Then we forgive, and transmute old wounds, (they didn’t know any better, they thought they were protecting us, they felt we were too immature to handle the truth. as they subjectively saw it, etc.) We can see our experiencing trauma in that prison of lies was a needed lesson to challenge our skill at detecting the stench of lies and strengthen our resolve to break free. Character training 101!
We can then let go of antiquated belief systems, take a vacation from our burdens and partner up with Holy Spirit who, by the way, does the heavy lifting!
Accept the ‘Now moment’ as the first step in our “Great Adventure.” Example: Saint Peter had no silver or gold when he and John met the cripple at the Gate Beautiful. They gave a command in the Name of Jesus backed by Faith in that name to restore the man’s limbs to soundness. At the sound of, “Rise and walk in Jesus’ Name”, the adventure of the Jesus Movement took off!
Mother’s has good advice, “Be here, now ,right in this moment.” Thus you are going with the ‘flow’ of Mother’s PLAN.
Let’s partner with our Power-house, all-knowing Holy Spirit, follow His ‘nudge’ and see what ‘Adventure’ ACCEPTANCE will bring.
(P.S. You can pass this along as a Mother’s Day thought.)

The Challenge of Seeking for “The Perfect”

Perfection is for geometry, not expectations. Especially in human relationships. These matchmaking sites can only filter so far when one is seeking the perfect partner, I suggest.
So did you have the perfect parents, or wish they were? How about perfect siblings or children?
Let’s face it It’s a fantasy to expect people to meet your expectations. It is more of an adventure to find that they do not. Whimsy makes for more delight, being caught off guard makes for not being bored, and an error, or mistake in perception leading to an argument lends another opportunity to practice forgiveness.
Really, being grateful, thankful and appreciative for someone who is important to you is an act of self-kindness. Perhaps you haven’t measured up to their ‘Perfection-measuring’ tape either.

I Want to Address Depression and it’s main Feeder: Complaining YEOUCH! : Yell/ Examine or Emote/ Observe/ Utter/ Challenge/ Help another who may have the same or similar case. Pause and rewind what you just said. WAS it positive or negative? Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.” (That rhymes with lining. ) CNN etc. want us to become a culture of whiners; to complain and loudly about the unfairness of life. To be eager to shift the blame to other causes for our misfortunes instead of our projected interpretations. It seems we have acquired a taste for sourness that is most gratifying! And it sours our world outlook! It rewires our brains to negativity pings – “Yum, sour grapes! Optimism! What! Be thankful and grateful? Sorry, that’s unreal!”

Your complaining at first gets others’ pity, sympathy, advice and efforts to lift your spirits. But after a bit it drains their energy and sours their milk of human kindness. Ever notice them looking into their heartfelt giving tank and coming up dry? Are they feeling a lack of gratitude and sense they are tired of the ‘Me-me drama’ record? Is your dark cloud-face coming a reason to cross to a sunnier side of the street? Anticipating the sound of wounded victim and watching ‘down-spiriling actions’ is a downer that most health-conscious can do without. Seriously!
So, if you absolutely need to vent, be valiant, and serve on your smorgasbord of voice, a choice. A variety of gratitude sandwiches. So you’ve got a pickle? Got a Beef? Spread some Mayo-Praise! Layer with Joy-onion. Sprinkle with bacon-crispy snappy jokes! You’ll be feeling and serving a better mood-wich!

Dream Aug. 30th, 2016 with Interp.

The Gang.   “C1” headed our duo.  I was “P3” I had a suitcase of clothes and towels and sundries.  “C1” wanted to make a ‘charity run’.  For a moment I thought he wanted to donate all in the car including my case, so I felt he was going to make me choose to release ownership.  Well, how do I feel about that?  Can I feel thrilled?  Thankful?  Blase’?  Just OK justifying that they need it more than me?  It did not come to that, but it was an exercise in release.

We visited  a lady and her gladness at our coming was written on her face.  “C1′ had brought a strip of tokens with contracts signed from a priest who wanted to rent her spare room. “C1” had added stipulations he didn’t have to for her benefit.  The token accords showed the priest had agreed.

a popular movie was playing but I didn’t want to go alone.  There was another fellow in the chair in the room with one leg crossed casually over the other knee.  He was “D4”.  I heard him mention he wanted to go, but not alone either.  I spoke up,  “Hey, D4, why don’t we go together?  He looked at me and said,  “Only if it’s ‘Dutch'”.

On our walk downtown I scanned the wooden fronts.  which of these Old western style fronts hides a theater within?  Another tag-along pointed to a marquee saying 24 hrs.  He was “D7”,  “Hey,  Here’s a really long show -24 hrs.!  Anybody want to go?”  I said, “Um, I’m not really up for that one.”

I spotted the theater we wanted, but when I unrolled my silk wallet at the window to pay my fare, I found it contained many pockets of foreign currency.  I was clueless to values, so I pulled out a small token saying 1.2.  The man took it and said I had a large amount of change coming.


HOLY SPIRIT, why do we have letter and number designations?  -“It is obvious that as you progress in your journeys you have many IDs.”-

Does C1 make many ‘charity runs’ and what are they?  -“He desires to assist in removing distortions by gift of ‘Light’ and answers to questions.”-

Why is my fear a loss of possessions?(The suitcase.)  -“It is  a distortion that may be removed by forgiveness and letting go.”-

What of the lady given a better deal on rental contracts?  -“What a blessing to have C1 negotiate additional blessings to a contract pre-incarnation.”-

What is the desire to attend a play with a companion even if there is no commitment to a date?   -”  the lifetime relationship thus is not as married, but as companions.”-

So antique wooden fronts describe constructs of an earth life?  -“Yes.”-

Why did I reject a 24 hr. show? -“Those long vibration shows tell a very long story.”-

What is with all the various notes to select from to pay my entry?  -“Selection times of birth country and value is hierarchy of your entity.”-

Why did I choose a small looking token, yet it turned out very valuable?  -“Just because you think 1.2 is small doesn’t mean it is.”-

I believe When You started this Journey

I believe when you started this journey you told the Universe that you wanted to practice ‘Crisis Management’.

So He set it up.   One experience after another.

Like any nightmare.  To the untrained mind the feeling is being endangered and helpless.  This leads to ‘fear’ and the ‘flight or fight’ choice.  This persists until the mind is willing to be trained otherwise and is given tools.

Many crisis management tools are offered.  Some work better than others to alleviate fear to bring equanimity and the solace we call ‘Peace’.

  • The Pharmaceutical tool: Does not change the external experience and may have life endangering side effects.   Mind numbing or able to simulate euphoria.
  • The Education tool:  Great!  The more you know, the quicker your choice of appropriate action can ‘save the day’.  You can face the fear and go ahead anyway.  This tool makes it clear it is better to go through rather than avoiding issues or building weapons of attack. (Attack counteracts goals of learning and growth.)
  • The Religion tool:  Unfortunately this often leads to abdication of being your  own Crisis Manager.  The mind that always is looking outside for rescue is setting itself up to being dominated.  Enablers often undermine the maturation process.  It is a temporary stage, at best.
  • The Social Dictates Tool:   Our governing systems have codes and rules to punish offenders and keep the peace.  This coercion of lists of ‘musts’, ‘shoulds’, and ‘have-tos’ are structured to  keep members in line through fear.  What is learned  are modes of pretending and habits of suppression.  Parental finger waggling teach children what is not socially deemed appropriate.
  • The Mental ‘Suggestion’ Hypnosis tool:  Perhaps when one learns to ‘self-suggest’ one has gained a peace tool. Will it stop the experience of crisis if one doesn’t react?
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) called ‘tapping’ on the body’s Meridian Points.  This is a scientifically discovered way to release stressful feelings binding our lives. You tap on the body’s recording points admitting deep fears and emotional stresses followed by a choice to love, accept and respect yourself.  You may also choose to replace anxiety with wondering if you’ll feel better fulfilling a task instead of avoiding it, or a choice to relax behind some stress inducing episode. You are actually taking self-responsibility for ‘going through’ anxiety, pain, resentment, feeling confused, helpless, panic, anger, rage, phobias, frustrations, and embarrassment.

Crises may actually be programmed into our life scripts by a choice to grow through practicing ‘Crisis Management’.  Old ruts may need a crisis to bust us loose and change our path to a better one.