Archive for August 11th, 2013|Daily archive page

In this Dream I was a Code Breaker getting Revelation Words

ImageI am dreaming that I am in a room at a computer working on a secret code.  The dossier came up on the screen with a flashing notice that the secret code had been broken.  Now all I had to do to clear the masking words away from the true message was to mouse-click on the X.

I clicked on the X and the first word revealed was:  CORPORATE.

It was quickly followed by a second word:  CONFUSION.

I woke and wrote these down, then slept again and the same screen cleared again to reveal: “I AM COME.”

After I again woke to write this, I closed my eyes and heard a dream voice say, “Law Abide.”

Holy Spirit what is this where I am breaking secret codes?

< This is accurately the process and task you have delighted to set yourself.  We are most happy to send you clearing techniques.  Realize they must be applied before your mind’s idol -viruses can be seen through.>

What is the best technique?

< Step back from assuming you can interpret yours or another’s purpose at any given moment.  If you interpret they are attacking and you are the intended victim, you may set up defenses of shy avoidance, or anger, or defending your ‘so valuable’ innocence.>

What’s so wrong with telling someone they got me wrong?

<You are never upset for the reason you think.  I will continue to send people who get you ‘wrong’ until you realize the purpose is to practice the skill of remembering who you are and God’s take on you.  You are not only innocent in God’s eyes, but a cherished soul created out of His Love.>

Ah, then when I realize they are purposely sent to challenge me,  I can be thankful rather than defensive and upset!  Wow!

Okay,  What does ‘Corporate’ as a secret message mean?

<  It is a heading of all things in the corporeal realm.  Lists follow of created items, cataloged by structure.  I am very well versed in this realm, but you have not yet the skill to place accurate purpose to each item.  Hence the need to de-camoflage them for you.>

I thought businesses were corporations.  Is that not meant here?

<Look up  the word ‘corporations’ and you will see that label put to enterprises where co-operation is needed between separated departments for the body to function, all headed by one who understands the purposes of each department so the whole body thrives.>

So you are the CEO?

<You might be tempted to say God is the Executive officer, but He is actually the Love out of which the entire realm is made.  He cannot be separated into departments, for He is One.  I am His Executive officer having His same Will and Purpose, tying together all to vibrate in healthy vibration as His ‘Word”.  One purpose I serve is to restore out of sync minds to the way He sees in Truth.>

So why did I see the word, ‘Confusion’?

<Is that not the underlying feeling you get when you try to assume purpose without referring to me?  You may regard that as the ‘mole’ in our network.  You cannot seek it out to destroy with your reasoning.  It would be too stressful.  I am the expert.  So when your mind flashes a feeling of being confused, step back and wait for my message, “I AM COME”.>

Didn’t Jesus say, “Don’t be afraid, I am come.”?

<He spoke Aramaic, but every time he spoke after he had learned the skill of matching vibration words to God’s , He was voicing God’s mind and will and eternal truth.>

Is that your dream voice I heard saying, “Law Abide.”?

<  When your voice meaning vibration abides in Love’s Truth, it will be your sound as well as Jesus, mine, God’s and of everyone who abides in god’s Law of Love.>